Keep your children healthy required certain efforts that should be taken care of, according to your efforts your children’s growth is decided will definitely bring you joy, happiness, and pride.
Before we go further in delving into that, the first thing you must know is how to do early identification in your children. To ensure that since early on you have taken care of their health and well-being. Keep on reading below to know what are the characteristics of children with healthy physiques!
1. Children’s growth and development are according to their age level
The first and easiest way is by checking whether your children’s growth and development are according to their age. The development here can be indicated by the sensory, motor, and cognitive abilities. Healthy children should have developmental characteristics which are appropriate to their age.

For example, 1-year-old children need to already start crawling, and babbling anonymous words. Do keep in mind that each child will have their own growth timeline. Some can excel in certain things much faster, some others may be late in achieving their milestones. Keep calm and make sure you work closely with your pediatrician, thus you can ask whatever worries in your mind with a healthcare provider.
2. Can adapt to the environment around them
The ability to adapt to certain environments can be used as an indication of a child’s mental health. You can see from your little one the ability and willingness to socialize with other children around their age. They shouldn’t feel awkward in doing activities and playing together with peers. Also, pay attention to your child’s temperament and whether they have a high curiosity level or not. This is important because high curiosity is what helps your little one to be active and able to understand new things.
3. Have a good appetite
If your little one has a normal appetite, it definitely can help meet their value of nutritional intake and promote their growth development. To ensure whether your children have sufficient nutritional status, you need to familiarize yourself with how to count or determine the nutritional status according to the applicable standard deviation.
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4. Good sleeping pattern
If your children often encounter sleep problems, you need to watch out because this can be an early sign that there is a problem with your little one’s health or development. Healthy children need to have a healthy sleep pattern and sufficient rest times.
What Are the Simple Must-Do’s to Maintain Children’s Health and Wellbeing?
Above are some of the signs that your child is healthy and in good condition, but to achieve this result there are some precautionary things that you have to take care of to ensure your little one can grow into a healthy adult; physically and mentally. To ensure you can give the best to your children, you can do the following routine below!
1. Consume only healthy food
Your children won’t be able to choose their own food. They didn’t differ between nutrition-rich food and hygienic food. It is your responsibility as a parent to ensure that children are accustomed to consuming healthy food from early on. Acustoming children to healthy food from an early age will also prevent them from liking unhealthy food such as junk food or instant noodles, when they turn into adults.
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2. Get used to maintaining cleanliness
Your children should take care of personal hygiene and should understand healthy habits like washing hands before eating, daily shower, Cut nails as they grow regularly
3. Have a good sleeping pattern
Sleeping problem is somewhat of a common problem in many children. But as a parent, you need to address this issue because as mentioned above, ensuring sufficient rest for your children is crucial. To help children have a good sleeping pattern, there are some recommendations that you can do.
First is by adopting a pre-sleep routine with your children. Such as changing your child into pajamas first, followed by brushing teeth, and reading a book together. Establishing a pre-sleep routine can help to make your little one aware that it is time to sleep. You can also urge them to sleep by ensuring that their room is comfortable at all times. Be sure to purchase bed sheets and comforters with your children’s favorite cartoon characters drawing, this can make them feel excited to come into their room and lie on their favorite bed.
If you are currently looking for the best place to purchase bed sheets, or any decoration for your little one room, you definitely should check out Temu shopping platform today! From children’s needs to your personal desire, you can find almost anything in this one-for-all shopping platform!