City Furniture is a well-renowned furniture retailer started by Keith Koenig in 1971, soon gained popularity by providing quality furniture and home furnishings. It became the first retailer to introduce furniture showroom store in Florida who provided their customers a large range of products, a commitment to quality, and a focus on customer service. City Furniture continues to be a significant player in the furniture retail industry, helping their customers create reliable, elegant and comfortable homes.
City Furniture Holidays open/close Hours.
The majority of City Furniture stays open for the following holidays, though shift hours may differ location to location.
– New Year’s Day
– Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
– Valentine’s Day
– Presidents Day
– Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday
– St. Patrick’s Day
– Good Friday
– Easter Monday
– Cinco de Mayo
– Mother’s Day
– Memorial Day
– Father’s Day
– Independence Day
– Labor Day
– Columbus Day
– Halloween
– Veterans Day
– Black Friday
– Cyber Monday
– Christmas Eve
– New Year’s Eve
The majority of City Furniture stores are closed for business on the following holidays:
– Easter Sunday
– Thanksgiving Day
– Christmas Day
City Furniture Monday to Sunday open close hours.
What time does City Furniture open? Is City Furniture opens tomorrow? When will City Furniture close? Although operating hours might differ for some stores location, this schedule is applied to most of the City Furniture stores location, which we verified from their official website.
Monday | 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM |
Tuesday | 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM |
Wednesday | 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM |
Thursday | 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM |
Friday | 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM |
Saturday | 10:00 AM – 09:00 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM – 06:00 PM |
Somes City Furniture stores operates on holiday schedules with regular working hours. While at some locations CIty Furniture stores opens late and closes early on major holidays.
Is City Furniture opens on Sunday?
City Furniture stores opens on Sunday at 11:00 AM and closes at 06:00 PM.
Is City Furniture opens on Halloween?
City Furniture are open for business on Halloween for general working hours.
Is City Furniture store opens on New Year’s Eve?
City Furniture stores are open for business on New Year’s Eve for general working hours.
Is City Furniture store opens on Easter Sunday?
City Furniture stores remain close for business on Easter Sunday.
Is City Furniture store opens on Christmas Day?
City Furniture stores do not operate on Christmas Day. However on Christmas eve it opens for regular working hours.
Also read: Schewels Holiday Hours Open/Close Hours
City Furniture stores location near me
You can find the store locator on City Furniture‘s official website to find any City Furniture store nearest to your location or one can just simpy browse through their website and can place the order online.
DISCLAIMER: The holiday hours and opening hours stated below are normally up to date, however certain establishments, particularly those in malls and airports, may have different hours.