Citizens Bank Holiday Hours : Know All Citizens Bank Locations & Working Schedule – The Citizens Bank is among the largest banks in America. Citizens banks holiday hours, Citizens Bank Holiday Hours, Citizens Bank Near Me Location are very convenient for the customers and shareholders. Citizens is the very first bank in North America that worked on Sundays.
The bank has branches in numerous states including Michigan, Ohio, Delaware, New York, and others. The Citizens Financial Group Inc. is having more than 1200 branches. It owns 3200 ATMs across the country. Customers and shareholders associated with the bank can know the lobby hours of the bank here.
The bank stands on 20th number in the list of the largest banks in America. The bank hours you will find each and every information for citizens bank hours and services.
The Citizens Bank Holiday Hours started its journey from Rhode Islands. The bank was formed in Rhode Islands and still has headquartered in the province. The bank opened 29 branches in Rhode Island. In the year 1985, the bank acquired a status of a federal stock savings bank instead of the mutual savings bank. Gradually it got expanded in other states of America as well.

Citizens Bank Holiday Hours of Operations
Find the hours of operations in the Citizens Banks in the United States. The bank has standard hours of working during weekdays.
Days Citizens banking working hours
Monday | 9 AM To 5 PM |
Tuesday | 9 AM To 5 PM |
Wednesday | 9 AM To 5 PM |
Thursday | 9 AM To 5 PM |
Friday | 9 AM To 5 PM |
Saturday | Holiday |
Sunday | Holiday |
However, the Citizens branches located in the supermarkets provide a full range of banking services even on Sundays from 10 AM to 3 PM. This is what made citizens bank hours as one of the first that operate on Sundays in North America. Citizens bank hours schedule are similar to chase bank hours schedule.
The bank also remains closed on the national holidays of America. The bank has a healthy culture for the customers and employees. Citizens bank holiday hours are known for caring culture. The bank treats employees and customers as its valuable asset.
Citizen Bank Holiday List
Following are complete list of Citizen Bank Holiday Hours details information find out from here. We are sharing more bank hours find out from here.
Jan 1 | New Year’s Day | Wednesday |
Jan 20 | Martin Luther King Day | Monday |
Feb 17 | Presidents’ Day | Monday |
May 25 | Memorial Day | Monday |
Jul 4 | Independence Day | Saturday |
Sep 7 | Labor Day | Monday |
Oct 12 | Columbus Day | Monday |
Nov 11 | Veterans Day | Wednesday |
Nov 28 | Thanksgiving | Thursday |
Dec 25 | Christmas Day | Friday |
Citizens Bank Services
Likewise, other banks in America, Citizens bank also have tie-ups with supermarket chains. The bank branches are present in leading stores like Giant Eagle, Shaw’s, and Stop & Stop. There are other stores in many cities with the branch of this bank providing services to the consumers.
Other services of the bank covers:
- Personal banking
- Personal loans
- Corporate banking
- Business loans
- Mortgages
- Credit Cards
- Investment banking
The bank is also providing mobile banking and online services to the shareholders and account holders. Consumer banking products of Citizens bank cover a wide range of lending services, savings, and biking. It also offers small business services and asset management services. Institutional clients and non-profit clients also get special products like deposits, lending, treasury, foreign exchange, and asset financing at good rates.
About Citizens Bank Holiday Hours Information
The bank was first formed in 1828 in Providence, Rhode Island. It was known as High Street Bank. It got its current name in 1871 when the Citizens Savings Bank was formed. The bank, later on, grew up and the first branch was established in Massachusetts.
The bank was acquired by RBS group in 1988. The acquisition extended bank’s sphere into the New England and Midwest. From a local retail bank, it turned into one of the largest bank holding company.
Citizens Bank Near me location
You can check it out Citizens Bank Near me location online in Google find out each and every details check it out here. Citizens Financial Group is now transformed into a separate publicly traded company since 2015. This was the very first IPO of the largest commercial bank in the history of the United States.
Throughout its journey, Citizens bank hours are very comfortable for the employees. The banks have also earned many awards. In the year 2013 and 2014, it was selected as one of the country’s best banks in America. The bank has also got National Corporation of the Year 2013 award. It also earned Monarch Innovation recognition for the Most Innovative Product in 2013.
Conclusion for Citizens Bank Hours
The bank is recognized by many organisations as a bank committed to helping the communities. Citizens bank hours, Citizens Bank Holiday Hours, Citizen Bank Near Me Location and policies are very comfortable for the shareholders. A continuous growth considering employees and communities is seen in the bank’s journey.
The blog is an attempt to bring forth information on the prominent banks of America. The information on services also helps you to open an account with the best banks of America.