Know Regions bank hours, Regions Bank Holiday Hours, Regions Bank Near Me Location across the country for quick successful visits to the bank. Regions bank is serving citizens with a vast number of services like deposits, accounts, credit, investment, and others.
The bank is operating through 1906 ATM machines, more than 1500 branches across 15 states. The branches are located in different states of Mid-West and Southern U. S. A. The bank is placed at the 436th number in Fortune 500 in the year 2017. The account holders and shareholders need to visit the bank and look for the operating hours here.
Regions bank hours are very comfortable for us for the retail and commercial banking services. It also offers a variety of other services like securities, mortgage, credit cards, loans, insurance, and trust.
As the bank is one of the largest banks in the U.S.A, it has a wide customer base. The headquarter of the Regions bank is in Alabama. Before you visit the bank for any transaction purpose, know the regions bank hours and lobby hours. In this article find out Regions Bank Holiday Hours details find out from here.

Regions Bank Hours and Hours of Operations
Find here the hours of operation of the Regions bank in the USA.
- Monday – 9 AM to 5 PM
- Tuesday – 9 AM to 5 PM
- Wednesday – 9 AM to 5 PM
- Thursday – 9 AM to 5 PM
- Friday – 9 AM to 5 M
Note : The regions bank holiday hours remain closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Well, there are many banks that also remain open on Saturday for better convenience. However, Regions Bank remains closed on weekends for the comfort of its employees.
List of Regions Bank Holiday Hours
The bank follows a set holiday calendar every year. All the branches of Regions bank holidays closed.
Following are the official holidays of the Regions bank holiday hours branches across the country.
- New Year Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- President’s Day
- Independence Day
- Memorial Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans Day
- Columbus Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
However the Regions is open on Christmas Eve, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Valentine’s Day, Halloweens Day, and Mother’s Day.
About Regions Bank Holiday Hour
Regions Bank Hours is among oldest banks established in 1927. If you are planning to open an account in a bank, Regions bank can be the best option. IT is having a good financial health and regions financial corp with good interest rates.
The Regions Financial Corporation was previously called First Alabama Bancshares. The bank was formed out of the merger of three banks from Alabama. The Exchange Security Bank was opened in 1928. The other two banks were First National Bank of Montogomery and First National Bank of Huntsville. The merger occurred in 1985 under the new banking regulations.
Regions Bank Near Me Location
After the merger, Regions bank added branches in various cities. You can also compare the regions banking hours, Regions bank hours for the branches and holiday schedule are almost same in the cities like Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, and others.
Until now, the Regions bank Near Me Location is the largest holder of deposits in Alabama. It is also the largest deposit holder in Tennessee. Regions also sponsor a baseball stadium for minor league located in Birmingham in Alabama. It has also sponsored other Golf tournaments.
Regions Customer Service
Regions bank hours information is already shared for the services the bank is offering. Here is a detail of the products and services of the Regions Bank Holiday Hours.
Through numerous regions customer services and convenient region bank hours of operations, the bank is taking care of the financial well-being of the communities.
- Full personal banking
- Commercial banking
- Money market services
- Savings
- Visa Checkcards, Giftcards
- Rewards
- IRA solutions for retirement
- Auto buying services
- Priority banking
- Credits
- Mortgages
- Insurance
Insurance Regions bank also allow the customers to switch to its banking solutions. The bank supports all the procedure of moving your account from old to the Regions.
Bank lobby our information is shared here for various banks details. You can also check our bank hours blog to know more information. Regions Bank is also dedicated to extending specialized products to the small businesses and start-ups. Its Life Green Business Simple Checking is a special account for your small business. It waives off your monthly fee if total purchases are minimum US$ 500 on the regions business credit card or check card. Hope the information on Regions bank hours, Regions Bank Holiday Hours suffices and helps you to explore the services of the bank.