When it comes to keeping your vehicle in excellent condition, all matters, no matter how small, deserve your attention. Small fixes and upgrades will make you feel good about your vehicle and can prevent problems on the road or with the authorities. The law requires that you display a current license plate and the license plate AutoZone will help you achieve this essential part of owning a car.
Importance of License Plate Screws
Your license plate attaches to your vehicle through the use of screws. Over time, the screws will wear out with the threads becoming worn or the heads no longer working. If you let things get too bad, the license plate could begin to rattle and might even fall off. This will require a trip to your auto parts store and to the DMV for a replacement license. You could even get pulled over by the police and face a fine.
To prevent all of these frustrations and extra costs, invest a few dollars in license plate security screws. By securing your license plate with quality hardware, you will gain several important benefits:
- The license plate will remain fixed to your vehicle
- The hardware will last for several years
- The plate won’t rattle or shake
- The plate will look solid and secure
Another advantage is that you can upgrade the look of your vehicle with a handy license plate bracket and frame or a decorative license plate. This inexpensive way to customize your vehicle enhances your pride in your auto and might bring a smile to your face every time you glimpse your plates. A full line of license plate accessories gives you the opportunity to add some interest to this often-neglected part of your ride.
Choosing the Right License Plate Screws & Installation Tips
Vehicles do not use the same size screws to secure license plates. You need to find the size screws that fit your vehicle or the job will go awry and your license plate could even fall off. Fortunately, you have a number of options. When shopping online, just enter your car make and model and the site should select the screws that fit your car. You can also bring in the old screws to the auto parts store and have a representative help you get the right part.
When buying replacement screws for license plates, you also want to pay attention to the heads on the screws. These come in many configurations:
- Slotted hex head
- Phillips truss head
- Slotted pan head
- Phillips round washer head
And so on. The important thing is to make sure you have the right tool to install the screws. If you do not, you can always buy the tool to add to your toolbox. Just remember the type of tool you have for next time. Finally, select a durable material for the screw to prevent rust and corrosion.
By keeping these things in mind, embellishing your license plate area should bring many rewards without much expense. Shop now to find the best replacement parts and hardware at affordable prices.